My Projects

Here are a few of my coding projects

Windsurfing Landing Page

This was the first project I had to submit for the SheCodes Basics workshop. It was a three-week workshop aimed at complete beginners, like me. I learned a lot in those three weeks and discovered how fun coding and web-development could be!
This project required HTML, CSS skills, and some basic JavaScript to create prompts and alerts and if/else statements.
windsurfing landing page image

Running Landing Page

My next project was for the SheCodes Basics Add-On workshop. I had the chance to develop the skills gained in the previous workshop and put them all into practice for this project. I really enjoyed working with images in a grid - at times it was frustrating but then, so satisfying to achieve the design and layout that I wanted.
I also enjoyed learning how to create a 'dark mode' button!
This project required HTML, CSS, and Javascript skills.
running landing page image

Weather App

This project was a much bigger undertaking. It was the final project for the next level of SheCodes workshops - SheCodes Plus. It was a really fun and challenging task, learning about APIs and using some quite complex JavaScript code to show the current date and time without using 'Moment'.
This project required HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills - with API calls to access current location and current weather in any city around the world.
weather app image

World Clock App

Another challenging project for SheCodes Plus Add-On. I had the chance, again, to practice everything I'd learned in the previous workshop and also learn about 'Moment' and how fun and easy that can be to acquire the current date and time in any timezone around the world.
This project required HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills - with API calls to access the user's current location, and using Moment to display a constantly updating clock for cities in various timezones.
world clock app image

Responsive App

This is project that I really enjoyed building - as part of the coding course I learnt about responsive website design and for the module challenge I had to create a site that looked good on different sized devices. I picked a topic I'm passionate about, surfing, and I had a lot of fun implementing everything I'd learnt about making sites responsive.
This project required HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills using Media-Queries to make the page responsive. I also learned about embedding links e.g. Google Map links and Instragram links.
responsive surfing image

React Weather App

This project was really interesting and I learnt a lot. I had to build another weather app, but this time with the React library. It's such a fun tool to use and allows you to creat really interesting projects.
This project required React, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills as well as API calls to access weather information for any city in the world.
react weather app image
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